3-Month 2:1 Business Coaching
For the Entrepreneur Ready to CUT THE SHIT, Get to Work, and TRIPLE Their Income

2:1 Coaching with Tony and Amanda is ONLY for the ALL-IN Entrepreneur whose ready to chuck their excuses and limitations out the nearest window!

Our goal is to help YOU Strategize, Systemize, and Scale to the Next Level.
Your 3-Month 2:1 Coaching with Tony and Amanda Includes:
45-Minute Weekly 2:1 Coaching Calls [Total Value $36,000 based on our $3000 45/minute rate]
10 Hours of Service from a Virtual Assistant Each Month to Help You Run Your Business [$1000 Value]
A Standard Branding Package OR Basic Book Creation Package with Daniel McCutcheon [Value $900-1999]
1-Year in the Group Coaching All-In Incubator [Value $6000]
1-Year in the No BS Biz Membership [Value $1188]
Flexible Payment Plans Available
Contact us for a Discovery Call: [email protected]
Meet Your Coaches

Co-Founders of The No BS Biz Co. Ltd., Tony and Amanda specialize in cutting through the SHIT and getting down to brass tax within your business. Not only with systems and strategies that work, but with the systems and strategies that work SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU!
Meet Tony
Tony Babcock is the founder and CEO of The Present You Inc. He is a Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, Author & Motivational Speaker. He has worked with over 1500 Creative Entrepreneurs and some of the world's largest companies, inspiring lasting change & growth from the inside out. He is also a professional actor, TV Host & Entrepreneur with 3 successful businesses.
Tony inspires & motivates creative entrepreneurs to align with their purpose, smash through limiting beliefs, and find success in their life & business (all while enjoying the ride) through Life Coaching, NLP, and improv for presence.
Meet Amanda
Amanda Rose is the CEO and founder of The Infinite Power of You INC., a Business, Wealth and Mindset Coach, Multi-Published Multi-Genre Author, Motivational Speaker, Course Creator, and Actor. Her corporation serves entrepreneurs worldwide, with her unique approach that focuses on understanding each client’s individual strengths and guiding them in building their own methodology, rather than attempting to get them to adapt to a specific mold. As a sales expert for over a decade, having experience in door-to-door sales, retail, live sales presentation, network marketing, and online product and service sales, she bring extensive insight to her clients.
Some coaches give you homework.
Others give you homework and challenge you!
Being your best requires challenging the worst of yourself and when your willing to invest in people who help you unleash the best within, nothing will stop your attaining all that's already yours to be had.
I'm so thankful for Tony Babcock and Amanda Rose.

If there's a coach or mentor your soul has been calling out to you to work with, make a way. You'll thank yourself one day and everyday that follows 
And not to sound biased but to totally sound biased and play favorites, if those coaches or mentors happen to be Tony and Amanda, you are seriously depriving yourself of infinite possibilities becoming your reality ! Take the leap, they got you, I promise 

Taylor LaShay
CEO of Insight to the Inside Coaching
It's time to Cut The Shit and Get To Work!
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